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What if we all consider that this health crisis is a great opportunity to strengthen our businesses, gain market sharefrom the sclerosed companies and be prepared to absorb the significantly increase in number of customers who will be surging after everyone has resumed normal activities?

We, the authors of this White Paper, are convinced thatt here will be different ways of operating and believe that many business leaders, caught up in their daily lives, do not think enough about their strategies... and now is the right time to change their posture and to think. This White Paper is the sum of the expertise of each of us. It addresses 4 crucial themes: leadership, human resources, organization and communication.

 So, get moving, stop watching TV shows, walk around where you can, then isolate yourself, read avidly and at your own pace this collective work, then close your eyes, visualize your next actions to implement, call your loved ones, and peacefully, get into action!


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